Social work is a profession that empowers individuals, groups, and communities. It aims at the holistic transformation of society through the principles of ethical engagement. The profession has seen many changes since its genesis a hundred years ago. Having its origins in the UK and the USA it has now spread far and wide. In the process, it has lent itself to a plethora of changes by adapting and evolving to suit contextual needs. It has today evolved from its conventional role as a philanthropic endeavour to a dynamic and innovative field that actively contributes to inclusive development. In the modern era, transformational and innovative approaches in social work have become paramount for achieving equitable and sustainable development that leaves no one behind.

Despite the recognized benefits of diversity and the decades of programs targeted at increasing diversity in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine, the underrepresentation of historically excluded groups continues due to persisting systemic inequalities. It is imperative that we reassess our profession and reimagine our campus’ and workplace environments to provide an inclusive and equitable culture that is free of institutional barriers, affording equal opportunities for each individual to succeed, thrive, and be their whole self. For too long this vision has been the fight of a heroic few, but it must become the fight of all in order to achieve true change

The dawn of the new millennium brought with it unprecedented technological changes. The information revolution is accompanied by the scientific advancements that continue to usher changes. It beckons every profession to adapt to the new order. The choices are far and few between adaptation and self-annihilation. While this continues to happen, the situation presents existential challenges to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. The power of the market forces that ride on the information highway pays little attention to the socio-economic-cultural-historical factors. While they have made the borders between countries irrelevant for trade and finance, it has created marginalities and polarized the world.

While poverty around the world has reduced the per capita income has not grown corresponding to the gross national product. More food is produced and wasted on the planet today but millions live below the poverty line without much access to safe and healthy food. The overt wars may have reduced but the covert and high-voltage wars continue to dominate the global agenda. The rise of xenophobic hate crimes based on race, religion, ethnicity, language, caste, and so on has exponentially grown. It is no longer a surprise to see the once-detested practices of segregation and discrimination are openly advocated and those belonging to these ideologies are making reasonable inroads to govern countries. Scientific temper is deliberately countered by rituals and religious practices leading to consolidations of identities with an aim to capture po The vulnerable sections of society are met with intersections that compound their disadvantages. Caught in the vortex of hopelessness their voices are drowned in the illusive reality. The systems of support continue to elude them as the funding financial resources have continued to dry out. The funding for basic societal infrastructure has seen a steady increase; however, a closer look at the figures reveals that the increase is mostly due to inflation and not in terms of real worth.

Given this scenario of extremities, social workers are called to respond to the emerging realities. The fusion of transformational and innovative social work is the cornerstone of inclusive development. By addressing systemic inequalities and applying creative solutions, social workers can facilitate the empowerment of marginalized individuals and communities. As we move forward, it is imperative to recognize the catalytic role of transformational and innovative social work in building a more equitable and prosperous world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. There is an urgent need to come up with strategies and actionable points for the progress of the profession. In order to diagnose, discuss, deliberate, and redefine the priorities of the profession, there needs to be a convergence of minds to look for alternatives that will produce multiple layers of responses leading to systemic change. In an effort to bolster the ongoing efforts in academia and the field an international conference is planned in Chennai on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th February 2024 in Loyola College Chennai.

The conference is jointly organised by Indian Network of Professional Social Work Associations (INPSWA) and Department of Social Work, Loyala College Chennai along with PSWA & Social Work Educational Institutions in Chennai (SWEIC). The Conference is co-hosted by the Department of Social Work at Loyola College Chennai.

The International Conference will also have a session on Six decades of Social Work program at Loyola College Chennai.

The conference invites papers based on the sub themes or any related topics. There will also be limited opportunity for workshops/Symposium during the conference and those who may be interested organise the same may write to the Chairperson of the Scientific committee with a copy to Dr. Gladston Xavier the organising Secretary.

Sub Themes:

Social work profession- What has been accomplished and what is to be accomplished

Paradigm shifts in Social Work since 2000

Innovations in curriculum, pedagogy and fieldwork training

Social work research and its influence on Human Development

The development narratives from Community Development, Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals – a critical assessment

New players and innovations in development. The emerging space for Corporate and CSR actions

Technological advancement and its impact on Social Work

Industrial social work: the changing scenario in employees engagements and organizational growth

Panorama of social work profession in different countries. An insight into socioeconomic cultural and political compulsions and necessities

Innovative approaches in addressing public health and emergencies.

Mapping of social work professionals in the national employments. A comprehensive assessment and way forward

Paper Presentation

The abstract should be not more than 250 words.

The papers should not be more than 2000 words.

The paper need to be original work following the APA format.

Poster Presentation

The participants are welcome to present posters with the following specifications:

Poster displays will be limited to one side of a 4 ft x 8 ft tack board. The recommended poster size is 3 feet by 6.5 feet (36 inches by 78 inches).

The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display. A poster board number cut-out will be provided and must be visible at all times.

Be sure to include the abstract title, author and coauthor names, and the institution(s) where research is underway.

Place your e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board.

Place your e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board.

It is suggested that you place multiple copies of a reproduction of the abstract in the upper left-hand side of the poster, written with the headings “Introduction/Background,” Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusions”. Include your contact information on these copies for attendees who desire further information.

It is recommended that you hand-carry your poster to the conference, using tubular packaging or a portfolio case. Costs associated with creating and shipping the poster display will be the responsibility of the authors. Velcro (easiest to use), pushpins, or thumbtacks will be provided to mount your poster.

Refer to your acceptance letter and/or the final conference program for the time and location of your poster session and set-up time.

The designated poster presenter (author or coauthor) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented.

Note: All abstracts must be uploaded directly on the website using abstract registration form and not to be sent by email

Both authors and co-authors have to register as delegates to obtain slot for presentations and to get certificates.

Important Dates
  • Last date for Abstract submission
    • Foreign Delegates - 05th December 2023
    • Indian Delegates - 15th December 2023
  • Communication to presenters
    • Foreign Delegates before 15th December 2023
    • Indian Delegates before 30th December 2023
  • Last date for registration
    • Foreign Delegates - 18th December 2023
    • Indian Delegates - 30th January, 2023
Registration fees for foreign delegates


Early Bird Registration
(Till 31 Jan 2024)

Regular Fees
(Last Date: 10 Feb 2024)

Professionals from Developed Countries:

US$ 200

US$ 250

Students from Developed Countries

US$ 120

US$ 150

Professionals Developing Countries:

US$ 100

US$ 120

Students from Developing Countries

US$ 80

US$ 100

Professionals from SAARC Region

US$ 60

US$ 75

Students from SAARC Region

US$ 40

US$ 50

Registration Fee Structure for INDIANS


Early Bird Registration

(Till 31 Jan 2024)

Normal Fees

(Last Date: 10 Feb 2024)

Corporate/ Industry Participants from India

INR 4500

INR 5000

SW Professionals from India:

INR 2700

INR 3000

Govt, NGO representatives and others

INR 2700

INR 3000

Students and Research Scholars from India

INR 1750

INR 2000

Professionals from India (with active memberships in KAPS, NAPSWI, PSWA, ISPSW, MASWE, KSAPSW)


INR 2500

INR 2750

Social Work students from India (with active student memberships in KAPS, NAPSWI, PSWA, ISPSW, MASWE, KSAPSW)


INR 1500

INR 1750